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    An Armchair Psychologist Analyzes Bobby Jindal

    On Wednesday, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal opened a new front in his one-man war on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Jindal filed a lawsuit [see complaint below] in federal court that accuses the U.S. Department of Education of violating the Tenth Amendment by essentially forcing states to adopt the standards. Yesterday’s lawsuit comes just […] More

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    Bobby Jindal: The Delusional Dictator of Louisiana

    This post was originally published on PE+CO: Louisiana Education Legislation Update While the inimitable Huey P. Long has gone down in history as “The Kingfish,” to his political opponents he was known by another, less flattering name, “The Dictator of Louisiana,” a reference to his unrelenting pursuit of power as governor, and subsequently as a […] More

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    Janus-faced Bobby Jindal Turns Against Common Core

    This post was originally published on PE+CO: Louisiana Education Legislation Update In one of the most shameless acts of political pandering in recent memory, Governor Bobby Jindal released a statement on Monday calling on legislators to withdrawal from the consortium of states developing the Partnership of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test. Just two […] More

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    John Bel Edwards & Louisiana Democrats Go Backwards on Public Education

    A bill pre-filed by State Rep. John Bel Edwards (D-Amite) on Wednesday indicates that he plans to resume his attack on charter schools during the upcoming legislative session. Edwards’ proposed legislation, House Bill 101, would force charter schools to follow the same eligibility and certification guidelines required for staff in traditional public schools. Freedom from […] More

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    Act III of Act 1 Fight Ends: Time to Prepare a Backup Plan

    On Wednesday, District Court Judge Michael Caldwell doubled-down on his decision from March of last year and once again declared Act 1 [see full-text below] unconstitutional. In May, the Louisiana Supreme Court vacated Caldwell’s original decision and remanded the case back to the 19th Judicial District Court for reconsideration in light of subsequent case law. […] More

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    The Act 1 Fight Is Far From Over

    On Monday, District Court Judge Michael Caldwell declared Act 1 unconstitutional in its entirety, reversing his previous decision in December that upheld three out of four sections of the law. His ruling came as the result of a lawsuit filed by the Louisiana Federation of Teachers (LFT), who argued that Act 1 violated Article III, […] More