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    The Definition of Outrageous A Look At What Happens When OPSB Officials Don't Like Your Message

    Today I received several emails from Vimeo that they had taken down a few of my video clips in response to notices they received that I violated their Community Guidelines. Around the same time, Danielle Dreilinger, education reporter at the Times-Picayune, tweeted the following about these videos: .@petercook's anti-OPSB video, which apparently is so outrageous […] More

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    Now Playing: Irascible Ira & the Ghosts of Politics Past

    Following the Orleans Parish School Board these days is like watching the remake of a lousy movie: the actors are different, but the protagonists are still boorish, the plot is still clunky, and you already know that it’s going to end badly. For those of us who suffered through the slow-motion car wreck that was […] More