
Kari Dequine Harden

This has been a long time coming…

If you have ever read an article about education in the Louisiana Weekly, the oldest African-American newspaper in New Orleans, you probably noticed a few things:

  • It is the least factual and most anecdotal piece anyone has ever tried to pass off as journalism;
  • It is written from a rabidly anti-education reform perspective;
  • Its author is Kari Dequine Harden.

Ever since she departed the Times-Picayune in the least classy way possible back in 2012, Harden has been regularly cranking out garbage education articles for the Weekly that do little more than regurgitate the talking points of the city’s reform critics. After more or less ignoring her output for the past four years – after all, barely anyone reads the Louisiana Weekly – I finally decided to refute the lies and misinformation in her latest piece on Act 91, the law that returns Recovery School District schools to local control.

Click on the link below to read her piece, along with my corrections:

Genius-annotated version of ” Community at odds over Act 91 | New Orleans’ Multicultural News Source | The Louisiana Weekly “

By Kari Dequine Harden Contributing Writer For some, Act 91 and the reunification of public schools in New Orleans is hailed as a triumphant and long overdue step in returning the state-seized schools to local control.

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